Branding & Intellectual Property Lawyer

Victor is an expert in intellectual property law, specialising in brand protection across Australia, Asia and Worldwide.

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Victor is an Australian lawyer and registered trade marks attorney with 20 years' in-house and private practice experience. His practice is focused on all aspects of brand protection, from trade mark filing and prosecution to dispute resolution, IP litigation and enforcement. Victor regularly appears as an advocate in trade mark opposition and related proceedings before the Australian Trade Marks Office. He also represents clients in domain name disputes and proceedings under the UDRP and auDRP.

Victor is a Director of Cooper Mills Lawyers, a boutique technology, telecommunications and intellectual property law firm based in Melbourne. In addition to his private practice experience, he has previously worked in-house as general counsel for an ASX-listed ICT company. Victor has been consistently recognised as a leading trade mark professional in the World Trademark Review WTR1000.


Barrister & Solicitor of the High Court of Australia
Barrister & Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria
Registered Trade Marks Attorney
Bachelor of Arts (Hons)
Bachelor of Laws

Example Cases

Trade Marks
Zero Motorcycles Inc v Benzina Zero Pty Ltd [2023] ATMO 30
Zero Motorcycles Inc v Benzina Zero Pty Ltd [2021] ATMO 156
Volkswagen AG v Tungpei Industrial Co., Ltd. [2020] ATMO 40
Segator Pty Ltd v FKS Australia Pty Ltd [2020] ATMO 190
Segator Pty Ltd v FKS Australia Pty Ltd [2019] ATMO 126
Dr Boom Communications Pty Ltd v V Cases Pty Ltd [2018] ATMO 183
The Real Thing Food Supplements (Pty) Ltd v Media Tag Pty Ltd & Ors [2018] ATMO 173
Mt Shadwell Pty Ltd [2018] ATMO 25

Domain Names
Paco Nominees Pty Ltd, Geedup Online Pty Ltd v Muhammad Ibrar & Ors D2024-0960 (WIPO)
Paco Nominees Pty Ltd v et al FA2401002078895 (Forum)
Anything Worldwide AB v Emir Joldic DAU2022-0042 (WIPO)
Duoserve, Inc v ScheduleFlow Pty Ltd FA1711001759845 (Forum)
Mark Kingsley Williams v Bbhinds Pty Ltd DAU2013-0010 (WIPO)
Hitech United Australia Pty Ltd v Zhengyi DME2013-0002 (WIPO)